Dvd - La Loue Et Ses Ombres - Pêche De La Truite - Pêche En Lieux Mythiques

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Recommended retail price : €15
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To fish at least once Rents it in its life, it is the dream of a good amount of moucheurs! Since always this long river of only 125 km a true fascination exerts on the fishermen, by his beauty and the extraordinary quality of its water, but more especially by its shades. The presence of fish of a size usually exceeding the 45 centimetres is not rare. Nothing astonishing since Rents it from its water limestones, always fresh and with the important flow, conceals a particularly abundant watery fauna. All the large families of insects are present: transitory, trichoptères, plécoptères… Besides this abundant food, it is by a large number of stations, as rich as varied, as Rents it offer in its shades all which they need to live, to be nourished and reproduce!

- Realization: Tajana Gerald
- Duration: 50 min
- Format: DVD 5
- Standard: Stake 4/3
- Zone: Multi
- Sound: Mono

Made in France(EN)

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